Sunday, November 2, 2008

Follow Up

Please forgive me for not posting this sooner. In what is probably the most glaringly obvious statement of the year, blogging is in fact just a hobby of mine (hello, Captain Obvious!) Therefore, it certainly takes a backseat to all the things that mommies/wives/rabid Alabama fans are responsible for. Also probably painfully obvious is the fact that I don't usually have time to thoroughly research then persuasively convey all my thoughts, arguments, opinions on the topics but I'm glad some of you still choose to tune in and read. I appreciate it and apologize in advance if I ever seem to get all Julia Sugarbaker in my posts (really, was there any other clip to use?) It's just that I'm quite *ahem* animated in real life and very few things stoke my fire quite like politics and football... imagine that. :) Anyway, with that little prologue out of the way, here are some of my "rebuttals" (picture me using the Joey air quotes from Friends) to a few of the comments left on my "Don't Call Me Pro-Life" post.

In order:

Lacey, I want to reiterate that I know abortion to be murder and I feel that science does not even allows us to argue such a point (not that anyone was). So, to me, if it is murder then the focus should be on the victim (read: very small defenseless unborn human being) and not the mother. With that in mind, I don't see why our laws should be framed around a small percentage of women who are so hellbent on killing their child that they are stupid/desperate/both enough to use a butcher in a back alley. Again, why can't the focus be on free birth control to avoid the pregnancy in the first place (though abstinence WILL ALWAYS WORK, people!) but if that fails then you will just have to live with the consequence. Maybe that will actually act as a deterrent... imagine that. As far as enforcement is concerned, I believe it would be very easy to enforce bans on abortions and backalley abortionists, it's not a procedure you can perform via a handshake (like a drug deal) or from the back of your car. Plus, I'm sure there would be plenty of folks to come forward once their loved one was butchered. Regardless, I just do not feel that the protection should be given to the women who are at least obviously physically old enough to reproduce, especially since they have numerous options in this country. And sometimes I think people believe these children are going to starve to death if they are allowed to be born. Do we not have an abundance of social services in this country (with probably more to come under the next administration)? That's in addition to private (usually faith-based) organizations that stand willing and able to help once contacted. Death via abortion is never, EVER, (did I say EVER?!?!) in the best interest of the child and that's 100% who I'm dedicated to protecting. Pro "choice" as ironic since the babies so clearly have no choice!

Stacie: My guess is, if polled, the numbers would overwhelmingly suggest that women eventually regret their decision to terminate their child's life. However, I don't know that you could ever accurately find out because very few media outlets would want to point out such a fact and meanwhile, I don't know that the Christian community as a whole has done a good enough job of showing compassion to such women. I can only imagine how their misery is compounded by having no one to talk to about such things, though I'm a proud supporter of a clinic that offers a support group to such women. Anyway, I shudder to think who this country has aborted along with all their potential impact... literally, God only knows.

LR: You certainly gave me the most to chew on. I'll see what I can do with what you've given me... I covered some of this already in response to Lacey. You are both right that legal or not, many women will still seek out an abortion. Again, my concern is not with them at all. They currently have other options (usually free, courtesy of the tax-payers but I gladly pay those taxes!) that would result in a win-win for all involved (except for the babydaddy who would then have to pay child-support but I have no pity there) Again, if they are dumb enough to go to someone using dirty equipment on a fold-up table in a back alley then I defer to Darwin's theory of "survival of the fittest." I do agree that even under W we still face a legal abortion industry but as Randy Alcorn states in his blog post on the topic (he did an infinitely better job than me but hey, he's a professional writer!), he has appointed two Supreme Court Justices to lifetime appointments. I too would have loved to have seen more action during his administration but I still have hope for his 11th hour. Nonetheless, I was wrong for not pointing out that he has done more to chip away at Roe v. Wade than any other US President since 1973. Still, even the secular mainstream media admits that the next prez will likely de facto decide this issue for the next generation with the next court appointments. If you are a Christian, it is of utmost importance that you pray about your vote. I believe God would have you cast your vote on Tuesday for the candidate who feels that Roe v. Wade should be overturned (that's John McCain if you're not keeping up with such matters) but that's between you and Him. If you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus, you have MUCH BIGGER issues than this presidential election. Email me! Anyway, it won't happen overnight but please remember that these are lifetime appointments with two very old liberal-leaning justices getting ready to step down (or keel over, whichever happens first!) My apologies for not raising that issue earlier. LR, you are right that there are probably bones of contention to pick with either candidate but for me personally, I find such issues with Obama to be egregious for me personally. That is to say I find so many things that disgust me that I can't even see any good in him. (But that is not to say that I think he's the "anti-Christ" like some "evangelicals," though if he were then great... that means Jesus is on His way!) As far as Sarah Palin's disputed $150,000 wardrobe, it pales in comparision to the likes of Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers. If you're relatively new here, you should visit this post. Unfortunately, McCain is too much of a gentleman or whatever to play up Obama's intimate ties with Wright. That's a shame because it is very much relevent as it gives us a glimpse not only to his personal character ("Show me the friends and I'll show you the man" or something like that, I don't know... I heard it on Army Wives but I think it's true), it foreshadows his administration. Can you imagine what Obama'scabinet will look like? Besides, don't be fooled into believing that Obama and company are "common folk" who share your plight. Politics is a rich man's sport, regardless of race. Neither him nor his wife attended a community college and Obama's step father was an oil exec for Mobil Oil so I doubt he ever went without food on the table, ya know? All I'm saying is that Obama does not represent the average black man's struggle by any stretch of the imagination. And I LOVE how people tend to forget that he's every bit as much white as he is black. He was raised by his white mother and grandparents (thus, his white mother is also the one responsible for his dangerously skewed world views) but that's neither here nor there. As far as Palin goes, I don't think she's a saint by any means either but she's a lot closer in my book. I absolutely think she tried to have her brother-in-law canned and may have even participated in some smallscale cover-up of the issue. Apparently her kids have some issues as well but I'm not voting for Mother of the Year, that's for dang sure. She has been absolutely hammered in the media (which, unless you meet her personally, is the only way we'll know anything about her) and it's obvious they have an agenda. (Just by and by, the same thing happened to Nick Saban, give or take a degree of scrutiny!) As far as experience goes, Obama has virtually none to speak of and we're voting for President, not VP, right? It is obvious to me that she has been mishandled to say the least by the McCain campaign. I've read a few articles that allude to such but I guess we'll never know the full behind-the-scenes story regarding their campaign. McCain's folks should have done a MUCH better job of preparing her for interviews or better yet, just let her be herself without the fear of walking into a trap. But let's all be honest here, do you know what the VP does? Well, for one thing, in the event of a tie they cast the deciding vote in the Senate (don't shrug off the importance of that in the current political climate!) and I definitely don't trust Joe Biden with that vote! Anyway, you can learn all about the office here if you so desire. I think it's best to vote based on the top of the ticket but with one caveat... the VP is only a heartbeat away from the presidency. I personally relish the thought of Sarah Palin as president as she's even more outspoken in her unwavering devotion to overturning Roe v. Wade.

Back to Lacey: I will personally continue to vote primarily based on the abortion issue because at 1 million+ a year, the term "holocaust" does not even begin to cover the number of lives lost. In fact, I did not use that term in my original post precisely because the holocaust of WWII only claimed approximately 6 to 10 million lives (depends on the source... regardless, it's a staggering loss) and we're already up at 35 to 40 million lives lost to abortion. That needs to stop... as in yesterday but I'll settle for tomorrow. We as a nation lose a few thousand troops over several years' in combat yet people deem that an important enough issue to vote on. As far as looking at a candidate's stands on other issues, I would ask this rhetorical question: Does anyone know what sort of economic policies Hitler favored? I believe that sometimes there are things that are so very wrong about a candidate that it overshadows everything else they do. Obama's desire to appoint justice(s) who would uphold Roe v. Wade is just that for me.

Troll: Yes, I too believe that if any changes in abortion policy ever come to pass, it would in fact become a states issue. I'm disappointed with that because I believe murder is murder is murder, regardless of the state in which said murder occured but I suppose some restriction is better than no restriction at all. Of course my goal is for a federal ban on abortion in whatever form that entails but McCain doesn't support that. I believe he's only looking to alter the Supreme Court's political makeup with his appointments. However, I believe with all my heart that Sarah Palin would be much more aggressive in her efforts if she ever had a friendly, filibuster-proof majority with Congress. A girl can dream, can't she? (And congrats on the win, by the way!)

So, to summarize: I vote based on the abortion issue and will continue to do so. It is my litmus test and I will not feign otherwise. Again, I believe a flawed view on abortion lessens (or flat-out negates) any likelihood that you will make wise decisions on anything important in the future. It's not exactly along the same lines but I think about how clouded Bill Clinton's judgment must have been during his tenure in the Oval Office. Have you ever read the transcripts of testimony from his impeachment? Let's all just pray he didn't have to make any important decisions during his "meetings" (insert more Joey air quotes here) with Monica Lewinsky. I find character and wise-decision-making ability to be of the utmost importance when voting for anything (including PTA president) so I find that I'm never being swayed by ridiculous campaing promises they never have any intention of keeping. Besides, do we ever really know what the next president will face while in office? The last time we elected a new president was November 7, 2000. Anybody think this country is a much different place now than it was then?


Shannon said...

Well, where to begin... I've been following the whole back-n-forth of this subject, and you know right where I stand, so my only comment for now is that at today, be it too little, too late, McCain has started airing an ad directly linking Obama's views and ways of thinking to his crazy a%s former pastor. Should've been airing for the last 3 weeks.
Are you going to stay glued to FNC all day & night tomorrow, or what?

Anonymous said...

Okay, here we go…..(and sorry this is so long)

I will admit to not knowing much at all about what the VP does other than being a tie breaker for the Senate, but then again I’m not the one running for the VP position. It just struck me as odd, that she couldn’t answer that question. Also, I would like to bring up the fact although I’m entertaining the idea of voting for Obama, this does not mean that I do not have a relationship with God. I have been in many debates about this very subject and it seems to me that a lot of things are getting twisted in the Media which is also true about Governor Palin, I will submit to that fact. I would also, however, like to point out the fact that I feel that religion and government should be kept separate; mainly because our constitution guarantee’s us all a right to religion. Just because I have found Christ and know that he is the way to salvation doesn’t mean that everyone should feel the way that I do. I would love it if the whole world would come to the same conclusion, which is my conclusion, about our Lord Jesus Christ and our heavily Father. However, God made us all different and gave us individual minds so that we could make our own decisions and we alone will be responsible for the decisions that we make.

You asked me to watch the video of Michelle Obama and I have to say that I didn’t see anything wrong with what she had said, if anything she spoke with convection, and I really liked what it was she had to say. There has been many times during my adult life that I have not been proud of our country. Not to say that I haven’t always been proud to be an American, but certain issues that have been brought forth has sometimes made me ashamed of our country. I feel that no where in that video did she say she hated America like the Media translated that message to mean.

As for the preacher video, I understood what he was saying, not to say I agreed with it, but I don’t think he meant the GD word in the sense that most people might think he did. I feel he was saying God should damn this country for treating the citizens the way they do, and so and so on. He too, was trying to get a point across, but I would have to say that I disagree with his message all together. Then I read the article written by Cal Thomas entitled “Barack Obama Is Not a Christian,” and I could not disagree with this author anymore than if he was trying to tell me I am not a Christian. First of all who is he to judge what a Christian is or is not? I take real issue with these so called Christians who feel it is there place to point out the sins and beliefs or lack there of in another human being. He quoted a passage from a book where Obama was quoted as saying, “I believe there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.”

To me what this says is that he feels that his way to the “same place” does not have to be the right way or the only way. I know in the bible it says that there is only one way to God and that is through Jesus Christ himself. I don’t feel that he was saying that you didn’t have to go through Jesus Christ to get to God, but he was saying that there are many paths such as what you deem is the “right” path meaning your religion, and what he deems is the “right” path meaning his religion. For example, it would be like me telling you that if you weren’t a Baptist like me then you couldn’t possibly get to heaven because you are a Catholic or whatever religion you happen to be. What I really took offense to was the fact that Mr. Thomas said that Obama doesn’t have the requirements to qualify as a Christian. Again who appointed him God? Who is he to say that Obama doesn’t have the requirements? Last I checked the bible didn’t say anything about having minim qualifications in order to be a requirement for heaven material in the eyes of a man. God and God alone will decide who meets these requirements and I do not feel it is my place to tell you or anyone else how they should believe or if they should believe anything at all. I’m really opposed to people telling me or trying to get the message across through the Media that they have some special power that God has given them that will allow them to who is and who isn't getting into Heaven. I say live your life the way you feel God, or who ever you choose to worship, leads you to live. I have chosen the path of God, and I am happy and content in following the path that I’m on. I can only hope and pray for the souls of others and pray that they will open their eyes and see the light that God is trying to show them. Please don’t take that the wrong way and think that I think its okay to sin as long as you believe you are doing the right thing. That’s not what I’m trying to say. I’m just saying that you do not have to be in my religion to get to the same place that I feel I will be going.

As for Obama’s views on abortions I did a little digging of my own via YouTube and found this link Again I can’t agree with his stand on this issue, but he’s not saying that women should go on out and have an abortion just because she is saddled with an unwanted pregnancy. He is saying that it is the woman’s right to choose, but he thinks that measures should be taken to lower the numbers of abortions in America and that proper education should be available to younger ladies (like teenagers) in order to get teenage pregnancies down. Exactly what his plan of action is, I can’t presume to know that and frankly right now I’m too tired, after a long fun filled day with the kiddies in tow, to research it. I also came across this link that might be of interest to add to your comment about how they both went to prestigious schools like Harvard. Just like you were saying with Governor Palin, we can’t presume to know the full extent of the truth without sitting down and actually talking to either her or Senator Obama. I also have to point out that it has been a widely publicized issue that when they both met, they were both saddled with several thousands of dollars worth of student loans. Now rather that is true or not, I have no clue. That’s what’s so bad about politics, you never know if what you are hearing is true even if it comes out of that persons mouth. It all boils down to who can put on the best show and have the most followers in their crusade to win the election.

Thank you for this mind stimulating debate. Although I can see that we have a lot of different views I like how you presented your arguments and debate and respect your opinion. BTW…I’ve decided not to vote because I just can’t make my mind up on who I feel the better candidate is. I know that’s a bad thing to do, but I’m throwing in the towel. I just hope who ever wins can help this country do a full turn around from the current situations that we find ourselves in. Happy voting!


Steph said...

Shannon: I will not be home some of tomorrow night because of Ricky Bobby's soccer game. I'll watch the news off and on all day and into the night but honestly, I've resided myself to The Lord's Prayer... "Thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven." Emphasis on "Thy kingdom come"! :)

It is literally the 11th hour and you have given me much to reply to. I think many of the issues you raise can not be "settled" in an ongoing comments debate anyway so I'll leave it at that. Many of the arguments you make are the ones I hear over and over again about you live your life and I'll live mine. In regards to abortion, who protects the child in that situation? That's who I'm concerned with and saying it's maybe not okay for you personally but you have no right to tell others what to do is a total cop-out. We as a government tell people what to do all the time once your will imposes upon the rights of another. Abortion is the ultimate imposition of will onto another, who happens to be completely voiceless and defenseless in the matter. It should be illegal because NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO MAKE SUCH A CHOICE. Why should anyone's value be based solely on the whim of another? Anyway, that's all I will say about that here because I've made it very clear that I desire a ban on abortion to prevent anyone from being able to kill a child. Period.

As far as my post with all the clips, it was to point out that Barack Obama consistently surrounds himself with angry people. Not to take away anything that many people of a certain generation may be angry about (a righteous anger in my book) but for Michelle Obama as a 40-something-year-old woman to say that she's proud of America for the first time in her adult life is to negate anything good we as a country did during that time period. That's just ignorance to think imply our country has not done anything worthy of admiration during the past 20 or so years. She's an angry woman and I won't lie... it will be hard for me to watch her serve as First Lady in this country. She's not even close to the picture of grace and poise in my book. (And yeah, her clothes cost every bit as much as Palin's.) Jeremiah Wright is a false prophet as it is never God's will to damn people... He is slow (as some might understand slow) to anger in hopes that all might be saved. That's a paraphrase but it's obvious to me when I hear him speak that there is no Holy Spirit dwelling within him. Or if it is, it's choked out by Wright's own sinful ego. Jesus said not everyone who says "Lord, Lord" will enter into the kingdom of Heaven. That's not being judgmental, it's showing discernment. That brings me to the vital issue at hand... Jesus said "He is the way, the truth, and the life. No man passes to The Father except through Him." (John 14:6) If you believe that to be the ultimate authority on the issue then you have to acknowledge that some (lots) of people are in fact not Christians. Barack Obama apparently does not believe John 14:6 as an absolute truth and I make that assumption based on the many things he has said AND written. I'll certainly let God judge him but please don't ever lump me in with that kind of "Christian." Not that I care because I won't get to heaven on that title alone anyway. I will only get there if Jesus intervenes for me and the punishment my sins deserve. He has promised me that He would and my hope is built on nothing less. All the other denominational tags, etc are semantics. I'm not worried about them and I don't get riled up when others are. If you have a personal relationship with Jesus and you seek His will in your life then you will know exactly what you need to do each and everyday. You just have to seek His guidance and pray for wisdom. And that's totally between you and God. No one, and I mean no one else, will answer for you in the end. And yes, we're free to make our own decisions but they will lead us right to hell (broad is the path...) I will only defer to The Bible as the source of authority on such matters. I care absolutely nothing for religion. It IS a crutch for the weak-minded. Not a single thing I base my life on is "religious." When I watched my son gasp for breath and then a machine breath for him, I didn't thank the convention for making me a Southern Baptist. I thanked Jesus Christ for dying on a cross and busting open the grave because no matter what happened from that moment on, it could be well with my soul. That's what I pray people find in this world... not their own way but God's way through His Son, Jesus Christ, with whom all authority and power rests. He is the Alpha and Omega, that's the beginning and the end. And it's all I need to know.

PS: LR, you should seek God's will all day tomorrow and see if He would have you go vote. I'd be curious as to what He lays on your heart.

Anonymous said...

On the contrary, I’m not saying that abortion is okay and I’ve stated that over and over again. I too feel that it is murder no matter how you look at it, but what I am saying is that I was trying to consider other viewpoints in the election. What I mean by you live you’re life and I live mine is that no one should look down on another human being because of how they choose to believe. It’s not a comp out at all in my eyes, and I’m sorry you feel so, but I certainly was not trying to lump you in with the so-called “Christians” I was referring to. I was talking about the man who wrote that article and how he was saying that Obama didn’t meet the required qualifications in order to be considered a Christian.

What I mean by live and let live is that you should not try to force your religion on others because they have the freedom of religion, not meaning you were trying to do so, I was just speaking in general. Just like I would not want anyone trying to tell me that I had to worship Buddha, because I do not feel that’s right in my soul, but to each their own and if that is what they feel led to worship then more power to them. I’m also sure of the fact that Michelle Obama’s clothes probably cost just as much as Palin’s but I never heard Michelle Obama trying to say how hard the economy might get on her family and their finical situation. I do see the flip side of that argument and I will not argue about the clothes thing any more. Maybe that was petty of me to even point that out, it just rubbed me wrong when I heard it.

As for praying about whom to vote for, I have been for several weeks now, and still I can’t decide. I have studied it, prayed on it, and talked it to death and still I just don’t know, so it’s just best for me to step aside. One the democrat side the abortion issue bothers me to no end, and on the republican side, I worry about the war, and the current state of the economy. I feel lost and confused so I will take the easy (and chicken) way out and not vote at all.

Actually, I feel more at peace since I’ve made the decision not to vote, than I have for weeks as I worried about casting my vote for the wrong candidate. This will be the first election that I have not voted in, in the last 15 years, and I know it will be the most controversial and talked about election in our generation, but that’s just how I feel.

Steph said...

Hey if you feel God's peace in not voting then by all means do so! I'm sure He has a plan for each of us and our only job is to follow. I'm glad you have a peace about it. I have a peace about the entire election process at this point... my vote, the final results, the future. And I'm glad I have that peace because in all likelihood, we won't have a "winner" today.

I'm glad you are still reading. I don't think any of your concerns are petty. I think I'm just a lot more jaded than most folks about politics so not much disappoints me or irritates me regarding rich people acting like rich people. I understand that they all pander and make promises they can't keep... I just can't support someone who won't even tell me what I want to hear! But I think we can put the entire debate to rest at this point because most people have either voted already or at the very least are settled on their choice. I feel I did my tiny part using my little ole blog and wouldn't you know God directed over 100 extra people here yesterday because of that silly Texas Tech post!?!? Anyway, I pray everyone can feel God's peace today no matter what their day holds! Take care...