Friday, September 11, 2009
May God bless America, I know we're not a hopeless case
So I post this in the spirit of eternal thanks to all those heroes from 9/11/01 and to God our Father who gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, so that death--even death in an incendiary fire at the hands of demonic forces-- is defeated forever through the cross. Truly, what was intended for harm was used for good by God to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (Genesis 50:20)
PS: My suggestion as a perfect remembrance for 9/11 would be to donate blood today. You will save lives, maybe even someone you know and love. And if not, well then you've paid it forward the way so many heroes did on that day.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
These kind of stories so DO NOT help...(Updated)
Well, I think it's pretty common knowledge that my father was a policeman and I was raised accordingly. (I think I even remember that he occasionally received threats on his family, maybe? Feel free to clarify, P-Paw.) Anyway, what others deem "paranoid," I call "informed." I grew up knowing the world is not always such a wonderful place and I intend to empower my children with that same information. Point being, I always lock my doors, we have an alarm, yada yada, all of which is usually enough to ward away The Boogie Man but this story just blows all of that out of the water. I mean, what are you going to do if 8 armed ninjas bust down your door in broad daylight? That story bothers me on so many levels that I'm not sure if I should follow it closely in hopes of making some sense out of it or if I should just pretend it never happened since ignorance really is bliss. Do you remember this case in Idaho? Yeah, that bothered the crap outta me too because I do NOT need to hear about pedophiles with night vision goggles. But then I heard that the adults in that situation were meth users (who died with illegal drugs in their system) so I felt marginally better about my own ability to protect my children. But this case out of Pensacola? I just don't think I'm ever going to read anything that will make me feel better about my family's safety. In fact, I'd place a wager that Mr. Billings was probably armed himself and went down in a blaze of glory so it's not like I can cling to my guns, either. (However, I will cling to my "religion," Mr. Obama!) And working surveillance cameras covering both inside and outside the entire property? Wow, that's a family after my own heart but a lot of good it did them. The upside is that while the cameras didn't prevent the crime (which is always my ultimate goal), they dang sure make it an open-and-closed case for the DA. So I guess we should chalk up a small victory for the good guys and lock our doors anyway...
**Updated to say "DUH!"
PS: The 3rd major aviation crash in about as many months? And Southwest (who has been fined recently for not inspecting their planes and also happens to be the airline of choice for my in-laws)? Yeah, that ain't helping either, folks.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
So it begins...
PS: What's that you say? Greg McElroy looks vaguely familiar? Well, you might remember him from this... The Good Lord knows I do.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Read Steph's Other Space...
Seriously, the only reason I sincerely believe that we must study history and teach it to our children is so we can learn from our ancestors' trials and tribulations (and mistakes, don't ever forget the mistakes!) So the whole point to my ramble here today is that you should get a flu shot ASAP and don't underestimate the pig flu (ie: take it seriously!) And buy gold... the stock market still has a long way to tumble.
Love ya, mean it!
Friday, July 10, 2009
And then I'm done with it (I think...)

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:
(The first picture is MJ in his early teen years while the bottom is a mugshot from the year 2003, approximately 30 years later. For the record, Jackson said he simply "matured" and only underwent two nose surgeries.)
Now it's a shame that I'm somehow a racist if I think Michael Jackson was a freakshow. That's why I'm going to report and you can decide. But I will say that there's no way anyone with an IQ over 50 can deduce that Michael Jackson was one of the world's greatest humanitarian and a bastion of normalcy who was simply the victim of the white man's negative press. I won't even go into Quincy Jones' statement that Jackson "obviously didn't want to be black" because honestly I don't care about any of it! Seriously, I couldn't care less about his racial aspirations. However, I would pedal a bike to Encino CA tomorrow if I'd have a chance to tell his children face-to-face that they don't have to be defined by their daddy's choices. They have the privilege of remembering only the wonderful characteristics of their father while disregarding all the bizarre and queer behavior that seemed to engulf him in the end. They don't have to go into The Biz (no matter WHAT your Grandpa Joe or Uncle Jermaine may say!) or remain a pawn for their gold-digging, egg donor mother. Ultimately, they can eventually fade into the background if they so choose as I think this too shall pass. Most of all, I pray they know that they are loved very much by a Heavenly Father who can literally move mountains to give them a hope and a future. So to Prince, Paris, and Blanket I say, "Call me." (Or at the very least email me at and I'll send you my number.)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Things I Wish My Boys Were Old Enough to Understand (an obligatory MJ Post)
Anyway, here's a list of things I wish my kids were old enough to understand about this whole Michael Jackson fiasco...
1. There is such a thing as too much money, too much power, and/or too much celebrity. What a tragedy that after 50 years on this earth there was apparently no one in Jackson's life who cared more about MJ the man than MJ the product. He was bottled and sold from the tender age of 5 and when he died, he was surrounded mostly by paid help who didn't even seem the least bit panicked on the 911 calls. And does anyone else find it ironic that this whole memorial production is being handled by AEG, the same promoters for the "This Is It" concert tour? They are still making money off of him in death! In fact--cynic that I am--I can't completely rid my mind of the thoughts that the doctor who was with him when he died was also employed by AEG and could have easily pushed just enough meds to bring about his death without anyone ever really determining exactly what happened. Afterall, with a daunting 50-concert tour on the horizon for a frail unstable man, it seems undeniable to me that this man was likely far more profitable in death than in life. Yet is there anything more tragic than an actual price being put on someone's life or a bottom line on their very soul?
2. Whatever we (your parents) may have done to screw you up, get over it! It's widely reported that Michael Jackson was ridiculed by his father for many things, including both his dark skin and wide nose. Any guesses as to what Michael worked the hardest to change about his appearance? He was so wildly talented and beloved yet he mutilated himself in a vain attempt to correct something that was never wrong in the first place! All to please his selfish, abusive father who only seemed to care about making a buck?!? Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. And his gaunt appearance was undeniably from a drug problem and/or an eating disorder... both characteristics of someone who has learned to hate themselves. So kids, if I/we ever did anything to traumatize you (ya know, other than being your parents) please don't punish yourself to get back at me. Just go to therapy and send me the bill. And while we're at it, I guess I'd want my kids to understand the importance of being a good parent, too!
3. A person's a person, no matter how small (or "big.") Much of Jackson's music lamented the lack of normalcy in his life. His poor children have never been afforded the "normal" life or a slice of the anonymity 99.9% of us in the world take for granted... yet I'd be willing to bet they'd cash it all in for just a chance to be a normal person. I'd also guess they'll spend their lives wondering who loves them for who they or who loves them for what they can provide. Sadly, I think that's exactly what haunted their father and I truly believe at the root of all his bizarre behavior and lavish spending was the deepest desire to be loved and accepted. Plus, the genuine hurt and emotion that was on full display at the memorial was the same as if it came from me and you. So I guess it's true... celebrities are people too. (Sorta.) And I'd advise my kids not to chase some stupid dream of hitting it big because in the end it seems people just want to be left alone, free to be normal.
4. You are never larger than life. No arguing it here, everyone is appointed to die. Yet I halfway think a few of those people screaming at the memorial expected MJ to pop out of that gold casket. Despite their pleas, in a matter of time the so-called King of Pop will be a mere pile of dust (albeit in one very expensive container!) Sometimes it does seem as though some folks believe they are too big to die... and ironically those are the same folks that all too often die far younger than the average life expectancy. Despite even the most desperate of measures, they never manage to avoid the inevitable... even Jesus died, right?
5. But Jesus rose... Hallelujah, Christ arose! If you were at work and didn't see the memorial, I'll spare you the suspense: MJ did not miraculously spring forth from his tomb. But I know someone who did! Have you ever wondered why no one has found the remains of Jesus? Simply put, He's not here anymore. And make no mistake, when a light shone down on Jesus, it wasn't from fancy 1000-watt bulbs at The Staples Center or the special effects in a video. It was a light directly from Heaven as His Father was well-pleased with His Son. Michael Jackson was made out to be some sort of deity today but I hypothesize that in 2000 years people won't even remember that he lived or died, yet in the year 2009 it's the promises of Jesus that the Jackson family is choosing to hang their hopes on at this time. What could a man possibly do in a short life of 30 or so years that people would remember, nay worship, two milleniums later? Nothing. But Jesus was not just a man. He wasn't The King of Pop or Rock-N-Roll. He's the King of Kings and God's own Son who bore the weight of our sin so that we could enter into Heaven, not through works of our own but through His grace and mercy. What an amazing plan God set into motion so many years ago that would culminate in today's "celebration" of Michael Jackson (a ridiculously talented and famed entertainer/megacelebrity/freak extraordinaire/accused child molester) so that it would both begin and end in the name of Jesus while at least half of the world watched and listened! With all the celebrities and poignant performances of the day, no greater truth was spoken than those words from Pastor Lucious Smith when he acknowledged that now the king of pop was bowing to the King of Kings. Ultimately that's the way it will play out for all of us, regardless of fame or status. I'm praying that message won't get lost in all the hoopla of the day. And I'm praying my kids always remember that.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Big Reveal
Thursday, June 4, 2009
A bone, to you from me

Okay--seriously-- it looks like mid-June before I post again but hopefully we already keep up with each other on facebook. If not, request that I be your friend and I'll consider it. In the meantime, if you're looking for stuff to read... try this. Or this. Or this. Or maybe even this. And don't forget to keep up with all my virtual buddies over on the sidebar ----->
After that, you're on your own.
'Til we meet again...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Water fountains are evil
Here are a few things I have drilled into my children's heads since birth in an attempt to protect them from whatever pandemic is either currently breathing down our neck or is lurking right around the corner (because any medical doctor who tells you he is not concerned about a pandemic--either this current issue or ones not yet identified-- is truly full of crap. Any infectious disease doctors or epidemiologists out there are welcome to chime in now. In fact, I'll leave the comments turned on just for you.) Anyway, these are things we practice in our household that I think would be well worth the time and energy for anyone.
1. DO NOT EVER use a water fountain. Not at school. Not in church. Not here. Not there. Not anywhere. Fountains, coolers, bubblers (whatever you want to call them!) are nasty, evil little things that should be banned. My plumber husband tells me they are increasingly required by local building codes but I find that to be truly insane, but then again, that's government for you. Plus, I truly believe I must be ahead of my time. :) I'm sure someday our grandchildren will laugh and laugh about the "good ole days" when people all drank out of water fountains or they won't believe us when we say we did. Anyway, don't take my word for it. Read/watch all about them here, here, and here. (That is what I found after a very cursory internet search using "water + fountains + germs." Feel free to do your own research.)
2. DO NOT EVER share cups/bottles/drinks with anyone (parents and siblings most certainly included!) Seriously, not with a fox. Not in a box. Not with a goat. Not on a boat. (Unless you are married to said fox or goat... because if you are married then you probably swap germs with your spouse from time to time but this is not the place to discuss such things. Especially when you re-read that last sentence. I think we should just cut off that discussion. Right. Now.) Anywhoo, in all likelihood, you are contagious before you even know you have anything at all. I always imagine everyone as contagious (that's a nice way to view the world, no?) and act accordingly. Spit-to-spit (membrane-to-membrane) contact is pretty much the transportation of choice for germs so just don't do it... How hard can it be to pour another cup or water bottle? It's certainly much easier than the sleepless nights and cranky days with sick kids. And it's still got to be cheaper than all the doctor and prescription copays.
3. WASH YOUR HANDS. In the rain. On a train. In a house. With a mouse. If you can't wash, then deactivate the germs with hand sanitizer and then wipe them on your shirt or a napkin after the sanitizer has dried. Currently the CDC recommends washing your hands frequently (for me, that's pretty much until the skin is raw but just before I get tiny little cracks and fissures... which are --surprise!--a backdoor entry for germs!) or using a hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol, like Purell. Wet Wipes and some others use antibacterial cleaners that aren't as effective as good ole alcohol. You'd be surprised at my various stashes of hand sanitizers (or maybe not after reading this) and I can assure you that as this swine flu drama continues to unfold, I can hoard with the best of them.
So there's my Confessions of a Germaphobe. I'm sorry if you look at me in a completely different (neurotic!) light now. It was either this little spiel or a dissertation on the Spanish Flu of 1918. Or another anti-Obama rant after this spiffy stunt yesterday. But honestly, I think I cope better with the pig flu than the current administration so I'm going with that for now.

Thursday, April 23, 2009
The most hilarious thing I've seen in a while...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Who needs at-home perms...

Just in case you don't recognize these two long-lost homies, here's a brief description to bring you up to speed. One man is a socialist revolutionary who pals around with Marxist ideologues. The other man is the president of Venezuela. Speaking of Hugo Chavez, here's some of his greatest hits:
“I have said it already, I am convinced that the way to build a new and better world is not capitalism. Capitalism leads us straight to hell.”
“I hereby accuse the North American empire of being the biggest menace to our planet."
“The left is back, and it's the only path we have to get out of the spot to which the right has sunken us, ... Socialism builds and capitalism destroys.”
"The descendants of those who crucified Christ... have taken ownership of the riches of the world, a minority has taken ownership of the gold of the world, the silver, the minerals, water, the good lands, petrol, well, the riches, and they have concentrated the riches in a small number of hands." (I've cross-referenced this just to make sure he wasn't quoting Hitler. I want to give credit where credit is due.)
"The devil is right at home. The devil--the devil himself-- is right in the house. And the devil came here yesterday. Yesterday the devil came here. Right here. [Crosses himself] And it smells of sulphur still today. Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the United States, the gentleman to whom I refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world. Truly. As the owner of the world." (Just FYI, I've also cross-referenced this one just to make sure he wasn't quoting Keith Olbermann. He's not, but I can't swear that Keith Olbermann doesn't go around quoting Chavez.)
"Let's save the human race, let's finish off the U.S. empire." (That nugget of wisdom was delivered at the Islamic Republic medal ceremony at Tehran University in Iran.)
And just to illustrate how Chavez's love is not unrequitted (not by a long shot):
"Mr. Chávez is my brother, he is a friend of the Iranian nation and the people seeking freedom around the world. He works perpetually against the dominant system. He is a worker of God and servant of the people." Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian "president"
And while I'm at it, I'll end with these very insightful quotes...
"I'm grateful that President Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was three months old," [Laughter and applause from the other leaders.]...We have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms," [Loud applause] "But I pledge to you that we seek an equal partnership. There is no senior partner and junior partner in our relations."
--Barry Obama: Friend to fascists and socialists alike
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hey, what's the big idea?!?!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Out of the supply closet
Anyhoo, we've had a large development in our family and NO, I'm not having another baby. Still, I will have a child with me around the clock starting this fall despite my youngest starting kindergarten. So what could that mean?!?!? It means I'm homeschooling Ricky Bobby for the next school year ('09-10) and it's official now seeing as I've filled out all the paperwork and informed his current school of our decision. It's been a huge blessing how smoothly things have gone so far and I feel like the hardest parts are behind us (other than having to field your searing questions here!) I have all sorts of other thoughts on the topic but I don't have time to compose them coherently now but I at least wanted to throw y'all a bone since I'm not sure what any of this means for Steph's Other Space. I can certainly envision a life without blogging (or tanning beds!) in the very near future.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I stared down the oscillating vent and won! (Or "This world sux!" Take your pick)
*With the quantification that my brain is indeed very small and very finite so really it doesn't suck at all because His ways are not our ways and are actually much, much higher. Still it feels like it sux for now. And I know someday it won't suck at all and that's fantastic. But I don't know when that day will come and that, in fact, sux.
Friday, March 27, 2009
A brief synopsis...
I've been busy A LOT lately, which also means I'm exhausted (think fatigue-exhausted) so I haven't made much time for blogging. I'm fine... just tired. And what few fleeting moments of insight or possibly even wit (?) I do have are shared with my facebook community of friends (because, ya know, they comment and whatnot.) And to be fair, everytime I'm at the computer lately I'm typing. Or obsessively checking on MckMama and her son. Or reading James Spann's updates. Or researching diaphragmatic hernias. Or reviewing homeschooling curriculum. Basically, I'm doing everything but blogging (and resting.) Hopefully that will soon change (on both accounts) but I don't see any real indication of this in the near future. Consider it a favor... I'm sure y'all are tired of me *complaining* about Obama. (If that's the case then rest assured I've got plenty to say about Tim Geithner.)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Pancakes and Coffee has a nice ring to it though...
PS: Be sure to vote ---------> (Plumberboy, I think we can afford this so long as it only happens every six or 7 years. However, I'm TOTALLY content if this series gets too rich for our blood.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
It ain't braggin' if you can do it...
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Why I LOVE Sports (Now updated with video!):
By the way, did anybody catch G-Jo and P-Paw on ESPN Tuesday night?
Friday, March 6, 2009
But first you've to get mad...
Goodbye craptastic week!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
A word to the wise...
Secondly (and might I add in a very motherly tone), please take this lesson to heart in your own blogosphere. I know it's quite humorous how protective I am of my family's true identity but this woman reaching out to me only serves to reaffirm my position on the matter. You never know who is reading your blog and I think most of us would be shocked to see how very easy it is to find personal information on the internet. My father recently emailed me a picture of our house that he found online via Google Earth. Believe me, it's out there for the taking so essentially anyone could very easily (at no charge!) get directions that would lead them directly to your doorstep. It's never too late to retrofit your blog for these dangers... just go in and delete everything with any sort of indentifying information, including the titles you give to uploaded pics. I would also add a somewhat anonymous email address to your blog because usually you have identifying information tagged to an account. Obviously people will still find you if they are really hell-bent on it but please don't make it easy for them!
Anyway, I'm done lecturing for now. But eat your veggies and wear your seatbelt. Oh, and heed the tornado sirens. :)
Friday, February 27, 2009
She's a lady...
Wow, that's a classy broad. And she's currently about two shades browner than that pic. If you look closely enough at the background, you'll see what was once a fairly aesthetically pleasing garden area with flower-filled window boxes, handpainted pots, and a trumpetvine-covered arbor bordered by a nice wooden picket fence is now a wasteland of potholes and poop littered with the various mangled plastic corpses of whatever she decided to make her chewtoy that day. And yes that's her luxurious down-filled (well, thin synthetic cotton batting) comforters on the ground soaking up the rain. Because she drags them out there. Every. Single. Day. Apparently you can take the dog out of the ghetto but not the ghetto out of the dog. Moral of this story: Be careful what you ask for because you just may get it.
Now onto an update on JJ's situation... he's fine. Plumberboy's wallet is still ailing but JJ is just fine. He's convinced our dogs will live for a looonnnng time and we'll have the vet bills to prove it. It should be noted that JJ's pancreatitis ate into Crabman's birthday party budget so maybe we'll just take JJ to the party this year and let the kids take turns petting him. "Thanks for coming today. Nope, that's it. Just pet the dog and go home, kid. No cake. No ice cream. Just a crazy old black dog with a case of the shakes."
Well, I promise to elaborate more on the other happenings in our lives but right now the details are still fuzzy. I will say that Crabman is reading, like legitimately sounding out words and everything. I find this ironic seeing as we dance on top of books in our house and occasionally use them as a bat, too. Anyway, I guess we'll keep letting him read books so long as they don't go putting no silly ideas in his head. I hate it when that happens.
Of course I could always end by sparking a lively debate about the "stimulus plan" or Pelosi's Congressional Calisthenics but, nah... I think we've had enough of talk of dog poop today.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dang Mama! (in my best Ellen Page on SNL voice)
Okay, it's the beginning of a very busy week so I'm probably not going to post much here (unless a debate breaks out between me and anonymous from Dothan) but I will mention that our sweet JJ dog is in the hospital. It appears he has a nasty case of pancreatitis so he's the hospital for a couple of days. I think he'll be okay but he is 9 years old now so all bets are off. Regardless, he's probably enjoying his break from the kiddos and Miss Sassy, not to mention that obnoxious runt Cotton. He probably thinks he's at Club Med or maybe Heaven? Sometimes (okay, a lot of times) I wish I could get a nice little stay in the hospital but to be honest, I'd settle for bedrest so don't feel bad for me if that ever happens. I imagine the sleep you get in a coma is just delightful...
(Now I suspect I'll get some sort of lecture from my dad about this post!)
Anyway, enjoy your week and don't be an Andre.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Frazer Tonight
PS: I promise you this, I would HEART Siran Stacy no matter the color of his former uniform so obviously I feel blessed and humbled that he once donned the crimson jersey!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Breaking News...

That fight totally started when Chris Brown wore Rihanna's shirt, gold lacrame backpack, and pink Swatch without asking. (And is that her fingernail polish on his left thumb?!?!?)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Chickity-Check Yo Self

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Recruiting for Dummies
And I'll add that this is starting to look a lot like a juggernaut. That's not to be confused with Jagermeister, which you might want to start chugging if you hate Bama. But hey, why worry? Saban still has to coach 'em up...
PS: Here's some bonus insight from NSD. Lane Kiffin is a ....
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Did I miss my calling?
What the???
PS: A preemptive Letter from the Editor...
Dear Anonymous:
I see that you have stopped by Steph's Other Space at least a couple of times (or more if you're reading this) and while I appreciate your patronage, I would prefer that you assert your intellectual prowess by engaging in meaningful conversation as opposed to slinging words like "dummy," "idiot," and "retard." That said, you should know that I'm the Adrian Peterson of blog commentating, which means I can do it all day. (Read: All. Day.) In the past, someone has asked a question or stated a hypothesis and then we here at Steph's Other Space engage in scholarly dialogue. We may not all agree but we certainly don't resort to name-calling as the lowest common denominator. I assure you that you really don't want to go that route anyway as you have now ventured down into the Deep South where we tend to manifest God's love in a fashion more closely resembling Jesus clearing the temple than offering His other cheek. Now if you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus, please email me so we can discuss that matter in private because if you don't have a relationship with Jesus then anything you encounter here will be a mere gnat stuck to your windshield as you travel the great highway of life. If you have no interest in knowing Jesus then rest assured I have no interest in casting my pearls before swine. Perhaps you should just stick with MckMama's page, where--as you know--she is both funnier and a whole lot nicer.
To the other readers here at Steph's Other Space, I suggest we just freeze out "anonymous" and her/his infantile comments via the ole cold shoulder, though she may be impervious to such chilly tactics as she hails from coastal Washington state near Bellingham, give or take a few miles. God bless his/her yankee heart.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
You can dance on top of a book! (Updated with less annoying version of video but now there's a new more disturbing video to boot!)
UPDATE: I have three words: Hip Hop Harry. I thought "Da Learnin' Train" was spoofing Yo Gabba Gabba (which I heart) and Choo Choo Soul from Playhouse Disney. Aye-yi-yi. This is fo' real and apparently you really can watch it on Discovery Kids. (Plus it's also currently On Demandizzle with Charter Cabizzle. Word.):
A Follow-up (Updated with a link in an attempt to prove it's not just me being mean!)

And this is for "anonymous" who seems to get her feathers all ruffled by Jay-Z's hat and gay priests. Oh yeah, it's also for anyone who can grasp the absurdity that is Aretha Franklin's hat, though it does make her head look smaller.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Too soon?

Mr. Z, I know it's quite frigid out there today but that hat? Really? No, seriously, history in the making and that hat? Can I get a what what?
You lookin' at me???
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Just like the good ole days!
I am so glad someone over at NBC convinced Lorne Michaels that you don't always have to be uber-raunchy to be funny (Thanks Ms. Fey!) In fact, I'll bet SNL's ratings have gone up since they decided to cater to those of us whose IQs are a wee bit higher than the average oversexed high school jock.
Friday, January 16, 2009
TGIF (Updated with a full 4 1/2 minutes PLUS of Joey and Pacey... you're welcome!)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It's that time of year
PS: I've frequently put VapoRub as far into my nasal passage as humanly possible and I would have eagerly rubbed it directly onto my sinus cavity and/or my brain if I had something that was long enough to reach. I have found a nose spray with just a shot of VapoRub in it that will clear you right up but sure enough, it does eventually cause some rebound swelling. Nasacort AQ seems to work best on a daily basis. Okay, that's all for me for now as this has quickly digressed into some sort of WebMD moment.
Monday, January 12, 2009
I was afraid this was going to happen...
PS: Dear Mr. Robinson, please go about your business doing as you please and so long as you're not breaking any laws or imposing your will on me or my family, I'll gladly (no pun intended) let you be. However, I'd like to respectfully request that you stop calling yourself a Christian. You're not so I'll continue to call you out whenever and wherever I can if you continue to do so. Have a happy, clappy day!
Have you seen this show?!?!
PS: Plumberboy says we need to go on this show and Cotton barks with approval. Someday I'll try to get a quick digital video of Cotton at his finest, quickly wrangling a 50+ lb Miss Sassy to the ground.
Friday, January 9, 2009
My toe hurts...
I'm pretty sure that's the head ref from last night's BCS Championship game. And for those of you who care, I was in fact pulling for The Gators. Seriously, who doesn't love Tim Tebow? (Okay, there's probably at least one. As for me, I may eventually purchase a 1-5 UF jersey. That's fair warning, P-Paw and Plumberboy. I'm sorry, but he's the definition of "nothing but a winner.") And for me the Bammer, it means that we only lost to the AP's final #1 and #2. That's the good news. The bad news is that you were 12-0 beforehand and controlled your own destiny regarding another national championship. Oh well... I'd much rather win one in Pasadena anyway (yes, that's a vain attempt to mask the pain... which at this point appears to be manifesting itself as a throbbing, aching left little toe.)
PS: Dear Sooners, do not feel bad... it happens to the best of us. We were most definitely Tebow'd this season too!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Our God is an awesome God...
The woman I've mentioned before, Hope, passed away this morning. Just read her husband's blog entry for yourself and then please pray for him and his family. He has lots of questions and few answers (Don't we all?!?!) God is so very awesome in the way He works out even the smallest details and I want to acknowledge how much I appreciate that... it's really been an answer to my prayers. Again, please pray for this family as they deal with death and then enter a new phase of life. I am praying specifically for a continuing renewal of her husband's faith.
May God bless that now "Hope-less" family with a future and a new kind of Hope. And may He bless Hope with that healing and peace I've desperately petitioned Him for on her behalf. Amen.